Bariatric Surgery
- The treatment of morbid obesity and obesity-related diseases and conditions is metabolic and bariatric surgery. This procedure limits the amount of food that stomach can hold along with the amount of calories absorbed. It basically reduces the stomach's capacity to a few ounces
- The candidates with a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or more, or a BMI of 35 or more with an obesity-related disease, such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease or sleep apnea can have bariatric surgery
- More than 30 obesity-related conditions, including type 2 diabetes, heart disease, sleep apnea, hypertension and high cholesterol can be resolved by advanced bariatric surgery
- Laparoscopic Roux en Y Gastric Bypass
- Reduction in the size of stomach, from football to golf ball
- Bypass of the section of the small intestine (duodenum) is done to attach smaller stomach to middle of small intestine to absorb the most calories
- As stomach is smaller and absorb fewer calories, patients eat less. Even, food does not travel through duodenum
- Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding
- Upper part of stomach is wrapped with silicone band filled with saline to create small pouch and cause restriction
- Patients eat less as the feeling of full is quite quick
- By adding or removing saline from band after surgery, the size of restriction can be adjusted
- Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy
- Emerging procedure
- A sleeve-shaped stomach is left behind after removing approximately 85% of the stomach
- No published studies on long-term results
- According to study, bariatric surgery resolves type 2 diabetes in 73% - 83% of patients
- According to study, bariatric surgery cuts down the risk of developing coronary heart disease in half
- According to studies, bariatric surgery resolves the condition of obstructive sleep apnea in more than 85% of patients
- Death risk involved in bariatric surgery is about 0.1%
- As compared to the people who do not have surgery, morbidly obese individuals who have bariatric surgery have extended life
- Improvement in patient's life expectancy by 89%
- Reduction in patient's risk of dying by 30% - 40%
- Morbidly obese patients who have undergone surgery have remarkable reduction in their risk of dying from an obesity related disease, when compared to those who do not have surgery
- Risk of death from diabetes down 92%, from cancer down 60% and from coronary artery disease down 56%
- It is quite common that a bariatric surgery patient experience maximum weight loss after 1-2 years of surgery after that maintain a substantial weight loss. For years, improvements in obesity-related conditions are also visible
- After 6 months of surgery, patients may lose 30% - 50% of their excess weight whereas additional 77% of their excess weight is lost as early as 12 months after surgery
- According to long-term studies, morbidly obese patients who had surgery maintain a greater weight loss and more favorable levels of diabetes, cholesterol and hypertension up to 10-14 years after surgery when compared to those who did not have surgery
- With the increase in obesity rates, adolescents (12-17 years old) who are receiving bariatric surgery are also increasing
- Bariatric surgery is the most common procedure performed on morbidly obese adolescents of more than 10 years and for this age group, doctors are gaining experience in surgery
- The long-term efficacy and impact of the surgery is a topic of ongoing research
- Bariatric surgery is regarded as a tool to help morbidly obese patients in losing weight. It is effective only when used in conjunction with some changes in eating and exercise habits
- Keeping regular appointments with the doctors is also beneficial, as research shows that bariatric surgery patients who keep all doctor's appointments for at least 3 years after surgery lost an average of 24% more weight, as compared to those who skipped appointments
- According to a study, in comparison to patients who do not attend support groups, bariatric surgery patients who attend support groups maintain about 20% - 30% greater excess weight loss
Surgical treatment is recommended for patients who present with intermittent vomiting of blood or passing malena for a permanent cure for bleeding. In non-cirrhotic patients, the surgery is performed in the form of a splenorenal shunt or splenectomy with devascularisation in cirrhotic patients. The patients who bleed from a duodenal ulcer will be considered as emergency case and require under-running of the bleeder or a partial gastrectomy.
On-time surgery done properly without any delay can save many lives.
In both national and international front, Dr.Radhakrishna has presented his experience, including Asia-Pacific Hepato-biliary conference in Bangkok and Digestive Diseases Week at New Orleans, USA in 2010.